1. Three political voices from the age of Justinian :
Author: translated with an introduction and notes by Peter N. Bell.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Agapētos., Ekthesis kephalaiōn parainetikōn,Justinian, I,483?-565.,Paul,active 6th century., Ekphrasis tou naou tēs Hagias Sophias.,Agapetus, Ekthesis kephalaiōn parainetikōn,Justinian (Byzantinisches Reich, Kaiser,1),Justinian, I,483?-565.,Paulus, ca. um 562, Descriptio ecclesiae s. Sophiae,Descriptio ecclesiae s. Sophiae.,Ekphrasis tou naou tēs Hagias Sophias (Paul, the Silentiary),Ekthesis kephalaiōn parainetikōn.,Laudatory poetry, Greek, Translations into English.,Political science, Early works to 1800.,Politieke filosofie,15.59 history of great parts of the world, peoples, civilizations: other.,89.06 political philosophy.,Bysantinsk litteratur.,Bysantinska riket-- historia.,Griechisch.,Laudatory poetry, Greek.,Nyplatonism.,Political science.,Politics and government.,Politieke filosofie.,Politische Philosophie.,Byzantine Empire, History, Justinian I, 527-565, Sources.,Byzantine Empire, Politics and government, 527-1081.,Byzantine Empire.,Byzantinisches Reich., 0, 0, 7, 7
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